
Sacrifice of Praise

Are you walking through a valley so dark it feels endless? I've been there—through pain, grief, and heartbreaking trials. At one point, the pain and grief were so overwhelming, I thought I might not survive.

In those darkest moments, I found the gentle, quiet presence of Jesus, the Lily of the valleys. In this collection of devotions, I share the lessons God taught me as He walked with me through my deepest struggles. Walk with me in my journey from heartache and despair to victory and joy.

This Single Gift

Calling all single ladies! How would you like to have a part in this upcoming book? Myra didn't marry until she was 42 years old. She has spent many years with single ladies. Today, there are more "older" single ladies than ever.

Some of these ladies love being single. Others grow weary, wishing God would give them a husband. Often, a single lady will vary between the two. How is your single life? Would you like to share your experience or ask questions? Now is your opportunity! You can answer with your own name and email or anonymously. Click the button to the right to share your personal insight into this single gift.

His Unsearchable Greatness

Using Psalm 145 as a guide for praise, Myra shares her testimony of God's greatness and work in her life as He takes a shy, sickly child and turns her into a vessel He can use. This book illustrates her life verses, 1 Corinthians 1:26-31.

Coming Soon!

Myra's Next book: In the planning stages

Partially written